Weaving Villages


P1030626 (2)


You will notice in nearly all areas of Bali a wide selection of beautiful sarongs and woven materials, however the most authentic and unique sarongs would be the hand-woven sarongs of the village of Tanglad, Nusa Penida. After witnessing first hand the effort and love that goes into one first hand sarong, it truly amazes the heart, soul and mind. Nusa Penida is famous for its two beautiful designs Rang Rang and Cepuk. Rang Rang is based on a mountain motif known as gunung, whilst Cepuk uses the “star-in-a-diamond” motif. One full size sarong can take up to two months to create, and picked up for around 700 000 to 800 000 RPH ($70-$80AUD) for natural died samples, and between 300 000 to 400 000 RPH ($30-$40AUD) for chemical died samples. These pieces are exported to Ubud, and are usually doubled in price by the time they arrive.

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